Supply Chain Management
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Supply Chain Management
Reform Supply Chain Management With Singapore’s Best Cloud ERP Solution
Manage your products from a single location, no matter how many warehouses you have. Eliminate mistakes from repetitive tasks by delegating it to a machine for an instant boost in productivity. Thanks to Dynamics GP, supply chain management has never been more in sync.
Key Benefits
- Easily adapts to your management requirements, minus the complexity
- Better communication and collaboration
- Streamlines critical purchasing and procurement processes
- Automated purchase order approval and delivery tracing
The days of inaccurate guesswork are done. Dynamics GP’s out-of-the-box functionality allows you to turn your software into whatever you want it to be.
Everything You Need To Know
From stock levels, costs, to unit numbers. With the inventory management software, you can predict inventory availability to meet customer needs on the dot. Generate a bill of materials and see your progress from assembly to distribution.
One-Machine Sales Team
Confirm orders, send invoices, and track shipping progress using one software. Eliminate unnecessary labor and enable quicker sales for your items. Enable Dynamics GP to facilitate returns from vendor to the warehouse, even without your supervision.
Ensure Efficiency From Start to Finish
Bill materials as requests fly in and start up production without any delay. Automate everything from creating a bill of materials to setting individual pricing per vendor to generating a purchase order.
Multi-level Control Over Your Inventory
Set different prices on customer-by-customer basis to stay competitive. Personalize pricing options, inclusions, and standard rules for each and every customer that you have. Build great relationships with your vendors by speeding up approval for shipments and orders. Automatically accommodate discounts, landed costs, and prepayments, minus the usual hassle.
Expenditures, Redefined
Never miss a single cost. Track and update on a per-product basis and modify items as they are received. Understand the cost per unit of up to thousands of products with just one software.