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Cloud computing has without doubt, been changing the way companies store their data. For instance, in the past cloud backups were treat as a secondary form of data backup with on-premise ups as a primary. However, more and more organizations have been making the move to as setting cloud backups as the primary set of data backup instead.

According to a recent survey on Cloud Backup, it is reported that the Cloud Backup business will increase from $1.3bn to $4.13bn in the next 5 years. This suggests that more and more companies will and are beginning to adopt this advanced approach to data backup, hence, increasing their storage size in the cloud.

However, there are organizations that still prefer to have their data kept on-premise because of their concern with data privacy and datacenter security. Although this is a valid concern, Cloud Backup actually provides a more secure environment, if the chosen cloud is a certified datacenter.

What is a datacenter?

Datacenters are not a single thing, but rather, a conglomeration of elements. A datacenter consists of a physical building in a secure location that stocks servers, storage devices, network devices, routers and firewalls. Datacenters are important business asset as companies and organizations use datacenters to house applications & to store, process and analyze business data.

Cloud backups generally store business data to an offsite datacenter, such as Microsoft Azure, Equinix, or AWS.

Microsoft Azure is a great example of a world-class datacenter.

Ensuring Security and Privacy in Datacenter

To keep business data safe, datacenters need to take in consideration of redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (air conditioning, fire suppression) and security devices.

Under security devices, multiple forms of measurements are put in place to ensure the security and privacy of the customer’s data.

  • Access Control

Access control in a datacenter is much more than just multiple door locks. Datacenters in practice, deploy a wide array of access controls in order to prevent unauthorized personnel to enter the premise. For instance, 24/7 photo ID required locks, mantraps, and role-based accesses are often engaged to restrict access to only a limited group of professionals with legitimate business requests to authorized areas of the datacenter. Access is also tightly controlled with prior authorization, and restricted amount of access time. Multiple forms of identification or access control are required as the personnel moves closer to the heart of the datacenter.

  • 24x7x365 Surveillance

Besides having security guards, effective surveillance is one of the most essential security parameters being deployed in datacenters. From cameras, inside and outside, of the building to survey for suspicious acts, to metal detectors that ensure not a single piece of hardware is illegally brought out of the facility. It is this 24x7x365 surveillance system that enhances the security of not just the datacenter but also your critical business data.

  • Building Design

The location, design and architecture of a datacenter are exclusive for the purposes of hosting IT infrastructure. Usually datacenters are located off the road, in higher land with solid grounds to avoid damage from natural disasters.

To keep the datacenter away from uninvited access, the facility also has barriers and security patrols around the premise. There are limited number of windows and entrance to increase the effectiveness of access control.

  • Security Standards

There are multiple standards and certifications in the market to measure the security level of each datacenter. For instance, HIPAA, SOC 1, SOC 2, ISO 27001, are the international compliance certificates and Singapore MTCS is prepared for the local Singapore standards.

Microsoft Azure currently has more than 20 cloud computing related security compliance certificates, including ISO 27001 and 27018.

i-Net Dynamics is a trusted partner of Microsoft Azure and other certified tier-3 datacenter in Singapore. For further information about our cloud service, please click here.

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